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Hot news on HL-LHC upgrade

The LHCb Upgrade II aims to achieve operation at a luminosity  to collect a total data set of 300 1/fb. Significant upgrades to the current LHCb electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), collectively referred to as PicoCal, are necessary to address the high radiation doses in the central region and increased particle densities. Implementing these modifications during Long Shutdown 3 (LS3) will help reduce occupancy and mitigate the ageing effects in the central region anticipated after Run 3. An ongoing R&D campaign is investigating several scintillating sampling ECAL technologies, including Spaghetti Calorimeter (SpaCal) with garnet scintillating crystals and tungsten absorbers, SpaCal with scintillating plastic fibers and tungsten or lead absorbers

At the online meeting on 21 February 2025 in the frame of DRD6 WP3: ""R&D on organic and crystal fibres", participants from CERN, France, Ukraine, China, USA, Italy preseented the progress in fabrication of inorganic and plastic scintillating fibers. TWISMA project partners, Dr. Valerii Kononets (ILM) and Prof. Oleg Sidletskiy (ISMA) presented the status of research on GAGG:Ce and YAG:Ce scintillating fibers for particle physics experiments in their organizations. Dr. Etiennette Auffray (CERN), chair of this meeting, presented recent updates on the works at High-Luminosity LHC. In particular, Ce-doped garnets with the luminescence decay constant of ca. 5-10 ns and a light output of 5.000 - 10.000 ph/MeV were reported by different groups, highlighting remarkable progress in fast-timing garnet sicntillators.

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Funded by the European Union

Horizon Europe Programme

Grant Agreement #101078960

Project Coordinator


Responsible person

Prof. Oleg Sidletskiy

Head of Department of Crystal Growth Technology

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