TWISMA team has actively participated at SCINT conference that was held in University Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy, July 8-12, 2024. Special TWISMA session was held on Monday 8th July. 17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications (SCINT-2024) is a major biannual event in scintillation community, gathering top specialists in the topic both from academic and insdustry.
The session involved a keynote lecture by Prof. Sidletskiy “Optimization of Ce-garnet scintillators by complex codoping with divalent cations” followed by the reports by L. Roux (CERN) “Investigating scintillation kinetics of GAGG and YAG for HEP applications, from laboratory to particle beams”, Dr. O. Viahin (ISMA) “Improving timing performance of BSO scintillator”, Dr. D. Kofanov (ISMA) “Growth and characterization of multicomponent garnets grown under reducing atmosphere”, and Dr. V. Kononets “Impact of Ce,Mg concentrations on the scintillation performance of GAGG shaped single crystals”. The SCINT program also involved a poster “Tuning scintillation performance of YAG:Ce single crystals by scandium doping” presented by Prof. Sidletskiy.
Furthermore, three 50 min lectures from TWISMA partners were given at the SCINT 2024 summer school preceding the conference. Prof. Christophe Dujardin (ILM/UCBL) in his lecture addressed scintillation physical processes in bulk materials and nanocrystals/nanocomposites. The topic of the lecture by Dr. Etiennette Auffray (CERN) was Scintillators for High Energy Physics and medical imaging, while Prof. Sidletskiy overviewed technologies of crystal growth from melt, with a focus on oxide scintillator crystals.
Details of the Conference and Summer School program are at